Tuesday, April 17, 2007

getting started. . .

For us, there was no proposal, engagement ring, whatever! We just started talking about getting married and then we decided to go for it. I may have mentioned it to my grandmother, and that sped up the process quite a bit.


Once we decided we were taking the plunge we had to figure out:

Dylan and I decided on a "more the merrier" approach. I think the worse thing for both of us would have been if we had to put a pick and choose with an "A" guest list and a "B" guest lists. That said, we decided to get married in Los Angeles, because that is where most of our friends live (and we live).

The next big decision we had was to get a budget defined. My gut reaction was to not spend more than $5000 for the whole shebang (wedding, reception, total). Really, any more money spent (even if we had the money) and I felt as though we were just being frivolous and wasteful. I have since raised that amount to $7500. We asked both our parents for $2500 towards the wedding fund and then we plan to put in the other $2500. I'm keeping track of everything, so we shall see how I'm doing as I try to put this together!

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